Alex, Tech entrepreneur
Made to Measure
We offer our Made-to-Measure service alongside our full bespoke service. And we apply the same attitude and sensibility of quality, construction and attention to detail to our M-to-M garments and the resulting pieces are of an exceptionally high quality and cut.
Just as with the bespoke service, the customer will choose from our complete range of fabrics and will have a full consultation at the outset where Jonathan will take your measurements and discuss the options for style. The M-to-M garment will then be manufactured to your specification.
We offer this service at a quicker completion time of only 7-8 weeks (an expedited option for delivery time of 6 weeks is also available at an added cost).
We have chosen our specification with knowledge and care and are confident that our Made-to-Measure garments will meet your standards of quality and design.